+1 vote
by (4,384 points)
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As title says, if I regret changing my name, can I just change it back to how it was instantly?

If no, how long do I have to wait?

I've seen some similar question, like:

But none answers my question

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

No, you can't change it back to how it was instantly from my understanding but you can use it in the future. However, there's no set in stone date for you to be able to use the name again you would have to keep trying. Also you won't be able to get a refund for this name change. :(  My best recommendation is to get in touch with Cipsoft via a support ticket on the website to see when they can calculate that name to be used again in the future. This is the only answer I found aside from others mentioning it typically takes 6 months which seems to be standard but I cannot verify:

Unfortunately, names of deleted or renamed characters are not immediately available for use by other characters due to technical limitations.

There are many factors which determine how much time must have passed before the name of a deleted character can be used again. Note, however, that it can take several months or even years before such names are available again, so we recommend you choose a different name for your character.



+1 vote
by (173 points)
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Like Candangoek said, you can turn back for your name after the waiting period...

My cousin sent an email asking about nicknames, here's the situation:

His nickname is like "Example example", with the second word without capital letter... he sent email asking if they could change only this letter, and someone asked that he would need to change for a different nickname, wait the time and go back to his "goal name", which is the same as before, but with correct capital letters... hope you understand
0 votes
by (2,865 points)
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Look, I read some forums searching for the answer to your question. Most posts I found people confirming that you can rename your character to a name you used before, but you need to wait 6 months until the old name is not related to your character.

Example: If your former name was X and you change to Y. The name X will be related to your character on official site and when you look for Y, the name X will appear as a former name. So after 6  months, the name X won't be related anymore and you can go back.

Note that this is only answers I've found in forums.
by (2,271 points)
I would take those forum answers with a grain of salt. I came back after 15+ years of not playing with my characters long long deleted (still miss you Shield of Honor) and was still unable to use my original character name.