+2 votes
by (5,796 points)
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Regarding this creature with sweet 50 charm points once you kill five of them, where and when exactly can I find appearances of these monsters? I know that they have something to do with the Bewitched event, but still, I have no clue on how to spot these creatures to kill...

2 Answers

+5 votes
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer


There are two kind of spawns:

  1. First one happens every 8h since the event starts, at the same time that the cauldron changes the ingredient .
  2. Second one happens randomly during the day

Here is the place where you can find them, when respawning:

The clock says how much time left there is for the next ingredient, when the banes spawn.

by (5,051 points)
Dome, as far as I have seen there is not a constant in the frequency
by (17,406 points)
I heard you need to put dry piece of wood to trigger them sometimes i don't know if this rumor is true
by (5,051 points)
Never Heard about it, and I have seen them spawming without any1 adding these dry pieces of Wood, so Idk
+1 vote
As the current answer says there is a raid about ever 8 hours when the ingredient is changed. The first ingredient does not come with a raid.

As for the second random raid. It isn't so random. After you get the first random raid, there is a chance for a raid every 25 minutes.
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