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by (17,406 points)
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I want to know how to meet the bane lord during the bewitched event. Does he spawn all the time when the bane bringers spawn or? Any one have any experience with this boss?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Best answer

Bane Lord spawns randomly with the wave of Bane Bringers, it's not very rare boss, so if you kill the waves alone sooner or later you'll find one. 

The only difficulty is that there are often many other players around, interested in killing waves and they may meet and kill this boss before you will notice.

by (17,406 points)
Wow so it's true he can drop upto 3 dry pieces of wood?Tibia fandom has a ? Near the loot so it was questionable do you know if he drops more than that?
by (6,736 points)
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To be honest I killed only two Bane Lords, both had a dry piece of wood, sugar oat, second had additionaly wood trash, so I can not confirm personally about more pieces of wood or a taming item, but accordint to the WIKIs - Slug Drug is the best possible loot.
by (441 points)
Do bane lords appear only on random raids or on they can appear also on main raids when needed item change?
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