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by (5,796 points)
How can I hunt this creature in the Free Account area? Apparently, there is a quest that I must start to be able to enter the only hunting spot of stonerefiner...

What can I do to liberate the access as soon as possible for my character? And where is it exactly in the map?

1 Answer

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by (1,205 points)
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You need to start the Hidden Threats Quest in the Venore Corym Cave here- https://tibiamaps.io/map#33071,32089,7:2

Go to the last floor of the Venore Corym Cave (-4) and make your way to the northwestern area. Move along the northern wall until you find a teleport to enter here- https://tibiamaps.io/map#33053,32005,11:1

You are now inside the Corym Mines. Walk up to Corym Ratter and say hi/help/yes. Now walk through the Sealed Door to the east. Keep moving north until you find Corym Servant. Saying to him hi/decreased resources/defy. He wants you to free his fellow underlings so that they can stage a riot.

Go downstairs where you will find Stonerefiners throughout the cave on this floor- https://tibiamaps.io/map#33037,32009,13:2

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Hidden_Threats_Quest

by (564 points)
Keep in mind to not progress further with the quest line, when entering with a low-level character, as there is a surprise described (guess by who :P) here: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Corym_Mines