+1 vote
by (6,736 points)
There are bosses like Jailer, with pretty comfortable PZ spot, where I can leave my char and do something else on PC, and just run these few SQMs from time to time to throw a bomb or avalanche rune. Which Bane Bosses can I kill being semi-afk?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (1,558 points)
  • Ashmunrah

Not entirely safe but very viable to farm this one semi-afk, even as knight. Go inside the boss room, clear all mobs, summon a skeleton (you can use animate dead rune as EK) and trap it in the most northeast tile of the room with parcels or flowers. Run east to lose target from towers on the left side, then run back west to lose target from east side towers. Doing this all towers will target your skeleton. Now you have to stand in the centre so you block respawn from ghosts, however the behemoth will still continue respawn, so that's your biggest danger here (apart from the boss itself).

  • Black Knight

Kill the bonelords in the room and leave the scorpions on low hp so they run away. Literally stand in the middle of them room so you block the respawn from bonelords and you can kill BKs easily after some time (the respawn time is quite long).

  • Dazed Leaf Golem

Although many people think you can block the respawn of this boss, you can't. You can just run to the corner where it spawns and stand there killing the boss. Of course, don't go completely afk because falcons can get to the room and someone runs past and that would be a sad death. The boss respawns exactly here.

  • Glitterscale

If you stand exactly at this tile you won't block the boss respawn and it will also target and run towards you when it respawns. Very simple and easy.

  • Heoni

Kill the boss and place a fire bomb in the northwest corner of the room, go downstairs and wait behind the door. Keep your server log open and go upstairs when you see the boss respawned and took damage from your bomb.

  • Mozradek

Clear the room and just stand where the boss respawns. Standing there will make you block the respawn of all creatures apart from the boss itself. The respawn is quite fast, so don't go afk for too long.

  • Thawing Dragon Lord

You can literally stand in its room, use the statue and kill it every 10 minutes.

  • Xogixath

You can also block the respawn of creatures in this boss' room. Clear everything and stand in this tile.

  • Glooth Fairy, Bullwark and Lisa

The three lever bane bosses in Oramond. You can kill whichever of these is active every 16 minutes and 40 seconds, but keep in mind you need votes to access them and Lisa is quite hard to kill solo because of its mechanic, so make sure you have enough damage or a friend to farm them with you. You can also run back to depot and recover a bit of your stamina between bosses.

I made a website with timers to help.