+2 votes
by (19 points)

Hi guys! i have been looking to start hunting some fire lib with my team, Im a 510 EK and my team are mostly 600+ but im not sure what type of dmg there is in the fire section of the lib, I have been trying to watch streams etc but cant find any good EK pov that shows the received damaged analyzer if someone could help me out i would be a happy boy!

 Much love / Henrik

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (5,318 points)
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 Falcon Coif You see a falcon coif (Arm:10, distance fighting +2, shielding +2, protection physical +3%, fire +10%).

Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot). - Imbuements - Powerful Void + Skill improving (depending if you are Axe/Sword/Club user)

- Falcon Plate You see a falcon plate (Arm:18, shielding +4, protection physical +12%).
Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot)..- Imbuements -  - Powerful Vampirism +Powerful Dragon Hide 

 Soulbastion You see a soulbastion (Def:42, protection physical +10%, death +10%).

Imbuements: (Empty Slot). With Powerful Dragon Hide / Alternative is  Falcon Escutcheon You see a falcon escutcheon (Def:40, protection physical +7%, fire +15%).
Imbuements: (Empty Slot). - In both you would have 15% of Fire protection, though Soulbastion got +2% physical protection and +2 arm

Falcon Greaves You see falcon greaves (Arm:10, distance fighting +3, sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3, protection physical +7%, ice +7%) / Alternative option.- Fabulous Legs-  You see fabulous legs (Arm:9, distance fighting +2, sword fighting +2, axe fighting +2, club fighting +2, protection physical +4%, fire +2%).  - Greaves as first option due to better physical protection and skill. 

- Pair of Soulwalkers- You see a pair of soulwalkers (Arm:4, sword fighting +1, club fighting +1, axe fighting +1, speed +15, protection physical +7%, fire +5%). Imbuements: (Empty Slot). / Cheaper option  Cobra Boots 

- Sun Catcher You see a sun catcher (protection fire +5%).

It weighs 2.00 oz.

Magma Amulet 

You see a prismatic ring (protection physical +10%, energy +8%) that is brand-new.


One Handed (2 Imbuement slots)You see a cobra axe (Atk:8 physical + 44 ice, Def:29 +2, axe fighting +2).
You see a soulcrusher (Atk:6 physical + 46 ice, Def:33 +3, club fighting +5, life leech chance 100%, life leech amount +5%, mana leech chance 100%, mana leech amount +3%).
You see a winterblade (Atk:10 physical + 40 ice, Def:22 +3, sword fighting +1).
Two handed (3 Imbuement slots) You see a souleater (Atk:10 physical + 47 ice, Def:34, axe fighting +5, critical hit chance 10%, critical extra damage +10%).
You see a soulmaimer (Atk:10 physical + 47 energy, Def:35, club fighting +5, critical hit chance 10%, critical extra damage +10%). -3 slots imbue

Alternative You see a resizer (Atk:11 physical + 46 ice, Def:33, club fighting +2).
2 slots Imbue
You see a soulshredder (Atk:10 physical + 47 ice, Def:35, sword fighting +5, critical hit chance 10%, critical extra damage +10%).


Powerful Vampirism,  Powerful Void, Powerful Strike, Powerful Chop/Bash/Slash.

Keep in mind that Powerful vampirism cannot be put on items with permanent Life Lech- therefore swap to your preferences. 

Preys- Both Defensive since you looking for optimal defense, 

Charms- Parry On Burning Book, Dodge on Rage Squid 

Rage Squid 1:

Basic physical (0-650)

Fire attacks:

Fire Strike on target (600-750)

Fire Box on itself (500-700)

Detonation Cross on itself (850-1200)

Eruption Box on target (600-750)

Red Stars Beam (400-500)

Burning Book 2

Basic physical (0-700)

Fire attacks:

Distance attack (800-1100)

Explosion Box (700-950)

Red Star Beam (750-950)

Additional Fire Damage from Guardian of Tales and Poison from Ink Blob, However those monsters are in very less amount at the spawn

1. https://tibiopedia.pl/monsters/Rage_Squid

2. https://tibiopedia.pl/monsters/Burning_Book

3. https://tibiopedia.pl/monsters/Guardian_of_Tales

4. https://tibiopedia.pl/monsters/Ink_Blob
