Hi! TibiaWiki (br) interviewed her in 2016 and she talked about her, what she likes and her work with CipSoft.
About her
Tibia Wiki: Who is Eudocia? In briefly tell us about yourself, your hobbies, your life, and especially about his work at CipSoft and how Tibia came into his life.
Eudocia: I'm 37 years old. I am into role playing games, be it on the computer, larp or pen&paper. I also love all sorts of comics. I am a mother of two, and my oldest son comes really after me. His favorite leasure time activity is playing with his XBox 360. Since games have always been in my life, I simply had to apply when I saw a job offer by CipSoft in 2014. I got the job and have been working in Tibia's content team ever since. When Count Tofifti left CipSoft, I took over his position as team lead.
Tibia Wiki: Do you play Tibia? What is your vocation and your level?
Eudocia: I do play Tibia in my leasure time, however, rather sporadic. So my paladin is still below the magic threshold of level 100. For my work in the content team, I do play characters of all vocations and level ranges though. A test server and god spells come in very handy at times... ;)
About content
Tibia Wiki: What was the idea behind the Ferumbras' Ascendant Quest? Do you believe that this may decrease the rarity of a boss, before exclusive in raids? There plans to create quests for other famous bosses?
Eudocia: Ferumbras Ascendant is a challenging quest, we would consider it content for the higher levels. The idea behind it was to develop a legendary topic a bit further, to continue telling a suspenseful story. I don't think that this newer questline decreases the value of Ferumbras or the importance of Ferumbras for Tibia. The questline is an extension of the story, and not a devaluation. It is indeed possible that something similar might happen with other famous bosses in the future.
ibia Wiki: How long does take for an idea to be discussed and implemented in the game? By what steps this idea must pass?
Eudocia: That can actually take a long time, depending on the topic of the idea. Sometimes a lot of research needs to be done, risks have to be analysed and evaluated. To give you a general estimate though, one idea can make it into the game in just one update cycle. Let's say we plan on implementing a new area. We discuss the idea, then it's decided, it gets built, it gets tested, bugs get fixed, it goes online. That could all happen in the course of about half a year.
I took the more related answers to what you are asking for but here is the link to the interview if you want to check it out :)