The old client was used from update 1.0 to 7.0. The graphics were really poor, and the map was much smaller. This client only included Thais, Kazordoon, Carlin, and Ab'dendriel. Not only were the map smaller, it also had mistakes. The only world that existed until late 2001 was Antica.
Two photos from Tibia fandom.

Here you can find more photos from old times :D
The Stand-Alone Tibia 10 Client is one of three Tibia Clients, the others being the Flash Client and Tibia 11.
Tibia 10 was written in C++. Tibia 10 was the initial standalone client developed by CipSoft GmbH. It was used from Tibia's inception up until October 26, 2017 when it was deprecated in favour of a more modern and robust Tibia 11 solution.
Flash Client was a client used for playing in a Web browser and required no download. It was announced in 2008 and released in alpha (testing) and beta stages in 2011. The beta label was removed on August 29, 2012. Due to the Adobe Flash's demise, CipSoft GmbH decided to deprecate the Flash Client on October 26, 2017 and since that date is no longer possible to access the game through it.
Photo of flash client:

Tibia 11 was the name given to the stand-alone client that was built from scratch to replace the existing Tibia 10 and Flash Client. It was released as a closed beta version on April 19, 2016 and for all players as the recommended client with the game version 11.00.
Info taken from