+1 vote
by (4,451 points)
Nowadays, we can get so many achievements. Some are easier to get, another almost impossible. But I want to know which achievement was created as first in Tibia? Does it still exist?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,184 points)

Achievements were implemented in Tibia 8.6, June 30, 2010. It was total of 93 achievements. So it's really hard to say which one was first. However, considering the ID of achievements, first of them would be:

Castlemania (5 points, secret) - Obtainable by finishing the Blood Brothers Quest, marking all 8 spots on Julius' Map, finishing the Vampire Hunting Quest, picking up the Blood Skull, Blood Goblet and all missing diary pages (6 pieces).

by (4,451 points)
Wow, I didn't expect that they added 93 achievements in the same time...I was thinking that maybe 5 or 10... but 93!? Wow :D
by (1,184 points)
Yes :) And every character could get the achievement already, if he/she had the quest finished.
+1 vote
by (17,434 points)
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Best answer

Hard to pin point which ones in particular for the first achievements so I needed to get some help! Sources are located below with details.  

More than 80 achievements are available from the start. Some of them are secret so you will have to find out by yourself how to get those. 

Source: https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=1371&fbegind=11&fbeginm=1&fbeginy=2003&fendd=10&fendm=2&fendy=2020&flist=11111111

(Unable to list them due to character limit) Achievements can be listed here: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Updates/8.6

To name a few: Worm Whacker,  Vanity, Shell Seeker, Allowance Collector, etc....

Also good information on the first page about achievements in 2010 implemented https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&threadid=3506217&pagenumber=1

by (5,327 points)
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Additional Note: If you are going as per Achievement ID’s, first will be Castlemania (secret) and second is Chorister (not secret).

But I am not sure if it is entirely true considering the order is bit confusing.. Example is ID 9 &10