+2 votes
by (17,434 points)

I want to know what the first outfit in Tibia was before addons were created. If you could please list the names and maybe even an image I would appreciate it. If there were multiple outfits please list them all thanks!

1 Answer

+5 votes
by (2,806 points)
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Hi! I took the time to find the answer to this question by referring to a pretty popular YouTube documentary about the history of Tibia, Antica's beginnings. Given the fact that they used images and recorded material from the first tibia version, I can assure the first outfits were:

-Citizen Outfit
-Warrior Outfit
-Mage Outfit

Being the Citizen outfit the main and first of them all I have no confirmation if they were introduced all at the same time but from the players that were active on that time all the answers I could get was Citizen was the first. Couldn't find any resemblance or visual coincidence of the hunter outfit in any picture or footage from that version so my guessing is it got implemented on a later version of the game.

Here are some old screenshots from 1999:

These images were taken from Beowulf archive on Tibia Alumni Society's website (Not an official website so visit at your own discretion)

And the video I used for reference can be found in Youtube as: Tibia History: Antica - The Ancient Years
