+1 vote
by (5,051 points)
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Due to the Sunset of Tournaments, this question is outdated.

So I have been looking all the information I could about these new tournaments and so far I only got this information about prizes. I'm also concerned about ticket prices. I'm thinking the amount of tournament coins won must be high, otherwise that prize is horrible. And the items/outfits/mounts of the store purchased with tournament coins are pretty expensive. Anyone can provide further information about the Tournament coins? Thanks in advance.

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
In words of Mirade, the prizes gonna change between the tournaments, so they don't have always the same prizes.

On this tournament as test (The prices of ticket is not 10KK or 500TC) they put it just to test.
+1 vote
by (5,796 points)
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Best answer

Actually, the prize pool apparently is not really the same for every tournament. You can find information about current or upcoming Tournament rewards on this page: https://www.tibia.com/community/?subtopic=tournament if you press the Archive you can see the rewards of past Tournaments, alternatively you can go to this link: https://www.tibia.com/community/?subtopic=tournament&action=archive What matters is where you place in a Tournament which like mentioned earlier varies.

Here's an example of the tournament, GLORY (Please note there were other tournaments besides this one with different rewards):

Reward Set:
Rank 1:3,000image1,750image1image
Rank 2:2,000image1,750image1image
Rank 3:1,000image1,750image1image
Rank 4:700image1,750image1image
Rank 5:500image1,750image1image
Rank 6:400image1,250image1image
Rank 7:350image1,250image1image
Rank 8:300image1,250image1image
Rank 9:250image1,250image1image
Rank 10:200image1,250image1image
Rank 11-15:1,000image1image
Rank 16-20:800image1image
Rank 21-25:700image1image
Rank 26-50:600image1image
Rank 51-75:500image
Rank 76-100:450image
Rank 101-125:350image
Rank 126-150:300image
Rank 151-175:250image
Rank 176-200:150image
Rank 201-99999:100image
by (5,796 points)
I had no room to post this link on the post above, but new prize pools for future tournaments can be found here: https://www.tibia.com/community/?subtopic=tournament

I got the whole information about Tournament Coins on this link. It is not clear yet if these prizes will be the ones that will stick with future tournaments!
by (5,051 points)
yeee, this is different from the 'test' one, these prices areee good!
Im participating :)
0 votes
by (3,816 points)
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This is the reward of the test tournament, and the price to join the test is only 1 tc or 15k not 500 tc, 500 tc/10kk will be the price of a regular tournament.

We will only know the true rewards in the next tournament if most players like it and cipsoft think it worth to keep it..
by (524 points)
Raven is sure, The first tournament price is 1 tibia coin for restricted store mode and  15k for regular mode, this is a test tournament, in the future tournaments will be a 500 tc or 10kk gold
by (3,816 points)
Oh ok... didnt know the second price thx and sorry :s
by (5,051 points)
Nice info!! I guess we will have to wait to know how many tournament coins are given in the reward until the test one ends