+2 votes
by (746 points)
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Due to the Sunset of Tournaments, this question is outdated.

Related with my other question https://www.tibiaqa.com/18572/how-to-get-a-demon-doll

I would like to know the items I can get with the tournament coins

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Please note, Tournament coins are soon to be expiring at an undisclosed time. With that being said, everything that was once purchasable with Tournament coins will be able to be purchased with Tibia coins except the Dragon Slayer outfit. To learn more about this I suggest you review this related question: What and how Tournament rewards will be obtainable after the final Tournament? Also, it's important to note that if you buy an outfit or mount with Tournament coins it will apply to all the characters on your account but the other items (for example, Demon Doll) will only be for one character and not all. When the outfits/mount are purchasable with Tibia coins then they won't apply to all characters so spend your points wisely!

ProductImageTournament Coin price
Gilded Horned HelmetGilded Horned Helmet1500 
Gilded Blessed ShieldGilded Blessed Shield1500 
Gilded Magic LongswordGilded Magic Longsword1500 
Gilded CrownGilded Crown1500 
Gilded Warlord Swordimage1500
Baby Brain SquidBaby Brain Squid800 
Baby VulcongraBaby Vulcongra800 
Carved TableCarved Table100 
Carved Table CentreCarved Table Centre100 
Carved Table CornerCarved Table Corner100 
Cozy CouchCozy Couch100 
Cozy Couch CornerCozy Couch Corner100 
Cozy Couch Left EndCozy Couch Left End100 
Cozy Couch Right EndCozy Couch Right End100 
Cozy Couch RoundCozy Couch Round100 
Demon DollDemon Doll400 
Full Dragon Slayer OutfitDragon Slayer Outfits5000 
Guzzlemaw GrubGuzzlemaw Grub800 
Ogre Rowdy DollOgre Rowdy Doll400 
Retching Horror DollRetching Horror Doll400 
Vexclaw DollVexclaw Doll400 
Cerberus ChampionCerberus Champion1250 
Cerberus Champion PuppyCerberus Champion Puppy800 
Full Lion of War OutfitLion of War Outfits1750 
Full Veteran Paladin OutfitVeteran Paladin Outfits1750 
Full Void Master OutfitVoid Master Outfits1750 
Jousting EagleJousting Eagle1250 
Jousting Eagle BabyJousting Eagle Baby800 
Sublime Tournament AccoladeSublime Tournament Accolade500 
Sublime Tournament CarpetSublime Tournament Carpet1x for 70
5x for 350
Tournament AccoladeTournament Accolade500 
Tournament Carpet
Tournament Carpet1x for 70
5x for 350
  • This information can be viewed in the Tibia store in-game by clicking on Tournament - Exclusive Offers
  • Table was made by my source: TibiaWiki - Store
0 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Best answer

You can find all the items you can get with Tourmament Coins on your Tibia Client Store.

And there is a list of the items availables so far and their prices:

ItemPrice in Tournament Coins
Gilded CrownGilded Crown1,500
 Vexclaw Doll400
Baby Brain Squid800
 Baby Vulcongra800
Carved Table100 *each part*
Cerberus Champion Puppy800
 Cozy Couch100 *each part*
 Demon Doll400
 Guzzlemaw Grub800
Jousting Eagle Baby800
 Ogre Rowdy Doll400
 Retching Horror Doll400
 Sublime Tournament Accolade500
 Tournament Accolade500
Tournament Carpet1 x 70 and 5 x 350
Sublime Tournament Carpet1 x 70 and 5 x 350

Is also available some mounts and addons you can get with Tournament Coins.

by (17,406 points)
Your answer lacks the outfits and mounts and also the other gilded items.
0 votes
by (1,181 points)
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Sublimene tournament carpet:  70 tournament coins

Vexclaw doll :400 tournament coins

baby brain squid : 800 tournament coins

baby vulcongra : 800 tournament coins

carved table : 100 tournament coins

carved table centre : 100 tournament coins

carved table corner: 100 tournament coins

cerberus champion: 800 tournament coins

cozy couch : 100 tournament coins ( variable position corner, right end, left end, round

demon doll :400 tournament coins

guzzlemaw gurb : 800 tournament coins

jousting eagle baby : 800 tournament coins

ogre rowdy doll: 400 tournament coins

retchling horror doll : 400 tournament coins

Sublime tournament accolade: 500 tournament coins

tournament accolade :  500 tournament coins

Tournament carpet:  70 tournament coins

there are also mounts and outfit for the tournament, you can check the items /mounts addons on Store table > tournament> exclusive offers.
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