I believe this question could be considerer - Opinion Based - so based on that point the best outfit / combination will always be up to you.
However, for me, I prefer to use the most clean outfit possible. I even don't use mounts because for me sometimes it could be a lot of spam on my screen. With clean outfit IMO is much better to avoid be stunned for any situation that could happens in random moments. ATM, my top Outfit for hunts are:
- Hand of the Inquisition Outfits (Full)
- Assassin (Full)
- Citizen (Only Outfit without addons)
Sometimes on PVP situations I usually use dark colors, to cover myself among the people on my screen, or Utana Vid that helps a lot to cover up too.
However sometimes is otherwise and you need to highlight yourself to don't confuse with the monsters on the screen. In this situation I recommend you to use colors that stand out / contrast with the place where you are hunting.
But as I said this will be up to you.