+5 votes
by (4,336 points)
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I have a lot outfits some from store, some from quests, some are expensive and some are cheap, but in my opinion one of the best is pirate outfit Outfit Pirate Female Addon 3.gif Outfit Pirate Male Addon 3.gif. What with you guys? What is the best looking outfit? I know is hard choice so you can add few outfits :)


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by (1,322 points)
Oh wow nice screenshot Loreffy!

7 Answers

+2 votes
by (309 points)

Definetely the recruiter outfit 

- Dificult to obtain

- Cool

+2 votes
by (1,322 points)

Oh wow, I would probably go for the Yalahari!!!

It depicts so well a spellcaster!

Also, the Royal Pumpkin is so awesome! 

And you gotta admit, the Oriental is kinda sexy! 

by (5,689 points)
haha omg don't tell me this.... I made bad Yalahari and bad Nightmare </3
btw fun fact: I collected all ape furs for my oriental dropped independently. I like oriental too!
by (1,322 points)
I still have to complete my Yalahari outfit, hope I do it right. I don't have that many outfits... yet? Maybe I should work on the oriental one.
+2 votes
by (304 points)

I absolutely love the female hunter outfit - not just because it looks cool ingame, but also because my very close friend made this art of my character:

How cool is that?

+1 vote
by (4,161 points)

One from my favorite is Summoner Outfit  but i can't walking all the time with the same outfit laugh 
Sometimes i change to Sun Priest , Elementalist, Pirate Outfit  and for Cave Explorer 

It's hard to choose one permanent outfit crying

+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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Best answer


  • Warrior Outfit
  •  Citizen without addons
  •   Assasin with one addon or full 
  •  Festive 


  •  Pirate Outfit 
  •  Warrior Outfit
  •  Assasin Outfit with one addon
  • Elementalist
  • Summoner 

It's my fav combo, or with midnight panther mount. Enjoy!

Hollyyyyy! nice picture, this is so beaultify Outfit Pirate female full !!! PERFECT FUSION! ray + pirate collors!!!! NIce collor by the way for represent the moonlight !
by (5,689 points)
thank you so much :)  I using panther mount now, but outfit always same colors ;3
+1 vote
by (4,311 points)

My favorite is Assassin Outfit Outfit Assassin Male Addon 3.gif, but I'm using for a long time Makeshift Warrior Outfit Outfit Makeshift Warrior Male Addon 3.gif, soo cool.

+1 vote
by (1,355 points)

These are the outfits and colours that I rotate between currently :)

Guidon Bearer - 870 TibiaCoins from the Store, I love the way the outfit looks and how its holding that massive flag!

Festive Outfit - Obtained from the First Dragon (only during Tibia's Anniversary), love the fact that its only obtainable during a short period every year, making it somewhat rare even though its not too hard to get.

Entrepeneur - 750 TibiaCoins from the store, I simply just love how this outfit looks, I only use the one addon though. Slightly dissapointed that they made the outfit available for everyone in the store but hey thats life!

Discoverer - Measuring Tibia Quest, not everyone can be bothered exploring Tibia, searching for those pink circles. I adore this outfit, The outfit just screams adventure/hiking and I love the little backpack and everything, Just waiting for the second addon to be available so I can finally complete it :)
