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I am wondering what are the differences in online training on RP?

I've watched Itexos video about knights which say that regular training is 7x slower than training with an exercise weapon, however when I use online calculators to find out the difference for paladins it seems to only be about 2-2.5x faster than regular training.

Am I calculating something incorrectly? Because paying billions of gps for only double the speed doesnt seem to make sense to me.

Thx in advance for the help.
by (435 points)
I'm not good with math to calculate for you, but must say that online training efficiency is affected by attention to character and target, supply, and location access. . While with a training weapon, it takes two clicks.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (564 points)
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From the introductory Tibia news: https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=4577

"In terms of skill levelling speed, the skill training progress is comparable to a mage's magic level training with an ultimate mana potion cask: Knights who train their axe fighting skill with an exercise axe and paladins who train their distance fighting skill with an exercise bow will have the same skill levelling progress as mages who train their magic level via spells and mana potions or with the new exercise wand/rod."

This apparently means, that advancing with training weapons from skill 100 to 101 will take the same time for melee and distance skill. While, from the skill points perspective (https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Formulae?so=search#Skills), paladins require half of them in comparison to knights.

Moreover, Skill Points are awarded differently for melee and distance weapons.
You can read in detail about the differences in this great series of articles on GuildStats:

TL;DR the conclusions are summarized in Table 3 of the last link. Edit: I've translated the table below:

Translated summary table
Form of trainingSkill Points per hourCost in GP per hourRelative speed of trainingGP per Skill PointStaminaAFK
Modified Gnarlhounds with
arrows & imbuement
Golem Servant with burst arrows357118000102%5.04neutral14 min
Offline training720021%0regeneratesoffline (24h)
Exercise Weapons (dummy from the Store)8429945000242%2.42regeneratesup to 8h

The source table was not in English,  but it's fairy easy to decipher – the words are similar to English counterparts :). The first two options are: hitting Modified Gnarlhounds with arrows and the Golem Servant with burst arrows.


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by (11 points)
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Well, I did a brief calculation on a website I use. I simulated the calculation to advance from level 100 to 105 distance (no additions related to loyalty and double xp event) and the results were; Offline: 1352 hours of training and Online with exercise weapons: 125 hours of training, so we can see a big difference in training time. There are other possibilities for online training, in which I wouldn't know for sure the advance time for skills, I don't know if there is any online tool capable of calculating this, but you can search for "online training for paladins on Telas". I apologize for the bad English and hope I was helpful in some way.

Sincerely, Duda Wall
Yeah obviously offline training is way slower than online and even slower than training with wands. But that's not my question. I saw some video saying that old-school paladin training is 3x slower than using weapons but am unsure if that is the case. Wondered if anyone else checked it.