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Is it worth to waste your soul after hunting as a paladin?
Or maybe it's better saving money and using exercise wads?
Which one has the best cost-benefit?
by (2,271 points)
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4 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,534 points)
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Doing arrows and selling them for 15-30 gp ea saving you 120-240gp from 290 mana spent, if ever you sit at dp with some ring of healing or mana pots you can create 66 packs of burst arrow, taking at the very least 132seconds (2m12s) spending 19140 mana

lets do some easy maths: 66*8burst*15gp= 7920gp, while require 19140mp/100avg (mana pots) = 191.4 (say 192) mana potions*56gp = 10752gp

if you sell your burst arrow at 15gp you will be wasting only 2832gp per 19.2k mana spent in 192s/3m12s (you require 192 potions at max) now check this table:

Burst arrow price:balance ea 66 packs
15gp ea-2832gp
20gp ea-192gp
25gp ea+2448gp
30gp ea+5088gp

So basically as long as you keep using mana potions and sell your burst arrow above 21gp ea you will be training mana for free taking you only 3m12s, any higher price will be a slight profit out of it.

Compared to an exercise rod which take you 1m40s to spend 30k mana, this other method require 5m, while could pay waste, require you to keep paying attention to your character during that time and stuff so in perspective:

MethodExercise WeaponMana potions
Waste262.5 gp per second/15k per minute14,75gp per second/885gp per minute max could be  0 waste or profit.
Time Spent1000s(1m 40s) for 30k mana3000s(5 minutes) for 30k mana but u can't recover enough soul points in 5 minutes.
Idlingdepends on the charges of your wand, the minimun bought wand allow you a 16m40s free timeRequire you being there every single second to cast mana potions
ExtraIt doesn't allow you move or perform almost any other action in the game windowYou can reduce extra expenses with regeneration item/bonus
in the other hand this method require you resting for almost 53 minutes while spending 19140 mana to recover 198 points

So being fair, the point here isn't if is worthier than exercise weapon, there's no point of comparation are different methods some ppl prefer saving those extra 3m12s rather than using them to make few burst arrow, due is time spent anyway, time that not everyone can afford (specially if you try to do this after th), some other would prefer using that extra time but the fact is: using your whole soul points pool to create burst arrow and selling them in market is a cheap and easy way to spend extra mana and if you can afford the time spent is really worth it.

Source: Soul PointsMana potion

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by (3,816 points)
If u want to lvl up your magic lvl doing arrows/spears I think its worth it bc soul points are free and u just need to hunt again to recover them... the wands at the magicshop are 263k each one or 25Tc in the game market..
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by (5,051 points)
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Worth... I don't really know what you mean. Do you pretend to sell enchanted spears after creating or what? That's the only thing that could give you some "profit" if you want to use the soul points.

If not, it would be the same if you just bought mana potions and do spells that don't use soul points to level up.

I literally would not train your magic level directly. If I were you I would only take the weekly training wands and kill yourself in the arena every time you can to keep spending mana points... I know it doesn't help you as fast as anyone wanted...but if you are constant you will keep a good mlvl according to your level.
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by (7,037 points)
If you have level under 150, is good idea if u have free time can get some money with enchanted spears  or make some Holy runes to your hunts.

If you are more than level 150, need some soul points to craft Diamond Arrows or Spectral Bolts before your hunts, so waste all of these making another things like enchanted spears (To sell) is not good option.

If you only care gain magic level, the best options is the exercise wands or rods (You dont have any limit and its more faster). The soul points are limited  and you dont get to much magic level, wasting 200 soul points on runes or spears.