0 votes
by (2,564 points)
Other than the offline training and just hunting, what are currently the most efficient ways to train your distance skilll? The method should allow making as many blood hits as possible. It also must not require taking a white skull. Shielding training is an additional asset.

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (148 points)
Your best bet is probably to use a weak weapon such as small stones, and straining on slimes, or something else that summons fast, and then target the summons until out of summons or ammo.
0 votes
by (5,523 points)

The current most effective way to train distance is on Modified Gnarlhounds. You can use flame, shiver, or flash arrows. These will kill the Modified Gnarlhounds fairly quickly especially if there are other players training as well.

Another option is to use royal stars on the modified gnarlhounds which will make them live much longer. You will also be able to afk for a longer period of time without having to refil ammo. If you want to train shielding while doing this you can use a Spellwand to summon a Mad Sheep.

A third option that will also allow you to train shielding is using small stones on Lizard Magistratus. There are a few areas in Razachai where this can be setup. Can also use small stones on Hydras or Sea Serpents but have to be careful while training afk.

Here is a video that shows these methods:

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by (2,564 points)
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