+1 vote
by (56 points)
I have a knight level 80 and I want to raise the club skill online, I would like to know what is the best way to do it (without buying the exercise weapons).
by (5,318 points)
Hello ImJoseH!
Kindly check the following question https://www.tibiaqa.com/37/what-are-the-most-efficient-melee-shielding-training-techniques?show=37#q37, perhaps answers there will help you with your enquiry.
Wishing you Best Luck,

1 Answer

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by (7,037 points)
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- The best way is train with Lizard Magistratus on Razachai. You need start the 5th mission of Wrath of the Emperor Quest.

Bring food (Like Brown Mushroom) with you and use the spell Recovery every time you can.

Depends on your skills, you need see if need use Offensive mode, Balance mode or Defensive mode.

- The second best option is train with Modified Gnarlhound on Stonehome (deep under Telas's house, here.). You need to complete the Shadows of Yalahar Quest to access them.

Bring food (Like Brown Mushroom) with you and use the spell Recovery every time you can.

Depends on your skills, you need see if need use Offensive modeBalance mode or Defensive mode.

by (517 points)
how do you train with the Lizard Magistratus?