+1 vote
by (5,689 points)

What is cost of Tibia Drome potions? which are the most expensive and the cheapest?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (7,037 points)
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Best answer

This price are from Antica:

PotionSell priceBuy Price
Strike Enhancement2.500.0001.100.000
Stamina Extension (*Most expensive)8.888.8885.666.667
Charm Upgrade2.999.9981.500.000
Wealth Duplex2.950.0002.000.778
Bestiary Betterment9.200.0003.750.000
Fire Resilience3.000.0001.800.000
Ice Resilience4.000.0002.400.000
Earth Resilience3.999.000800.000
Energy ResilienceNO OFFERS650.000
Holy Resilience2.500.000600.000
Death Resilience7.000.0002.500.000
Physical Resilience3.500.0002.000.000
Fire Amplification3.000.0001.500.000
Ice Amplification (*Most cheapest)2.490.0001.000.000
Earth Amplification3.999.000800.000
Energy Amplification3.500.000405.000
Holy Amplification2.500.000400.000
Death Amplification2.499.0001.000.000
Physical Amplification6.500.0002.000.000

The red numbers indicates a price too high or too low based on the history price of each potion.

by (5,689 points)
wow, that's amazing because i got stamina! thaank you ;3
by (17,406 points)
Energy resilience in pacera 2 sell offers 1.9kk-2kk previous buy offer 500k
by (5,796 points)
wow, stamina potion is crazy! pure gold potion if I ever get it!