+4 votes
by (272 points)
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Considering that it might be diffcult to obtain the potions from TibiaDrome or they will be pricey, I am trying to make a plan of using them in specific situations to maximise the effect which i can contribute from them.
As an example: Bestiary Betterment: which makes kills count twice for the Bestiary for one hour.

- Use it when I find a Yeti and afterword's going for the gollowing monsters like- Lizard Noble, Filth Toad, Infernalist's Warlock, Lost Exile, Gryphon, Mole, Dragonling, Infected Weeper, Nomad (blue ones);

- Or Use it during Rapid Respawn at the places with high density of different monsters like the Isle of Evil.

What are the other best uses for each Tibiadrome Potion?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,318 points)
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Bestiary Betterment Makes kills count twice for the Bestiary for one hour.As you mention:
-Very Rare respawn like Yeti + missing bestiary for llow level monsters
- Rapid respawn when doing charms 
Kooldown-Aid  Resets cooldowns for all spells.- Perfect tool for Mags to win the raid boss (Ferumbras) in the worlds with low populations
Imagine: using UE+ Kooldown - Aid+ UE 
- Can be used in planned PvP UE Combo on 3 & 6
Strike Enhancement   Increases critical hit chance by 5% for one hour- Best/ challenging spawns for your current level
- Can be used with the purpose to win the bosses ov
Stamina Extension Fills up stamina by one hour (but not above the maximum).- Double Exp Events
- when Power Gaming 
Wealth Duplex Doubles the loot from every regular monster you kill for one hour.- Double Loot Events
- When you have Gut charm on the monsters which you hunting on
- Daily Boost creature with good loot
- Loot Prey On
Charm Upgrade  Increases offensive charm trigger chances by 5% (except Cripple) for one hour.Only at the spawns where you have charms active(unlocked already) and where the respawn is QUICK to kill it even Quicker.
Rapid Respawn should be a good option. 
ResilienceIncreases protection by 8% for one hour Where you missing ultimate equipment protection, you are still too low level for the spawn and monsters are very strong. 
Fire ResilienceIncreases Fire protection by 8% for one hour Fire Libray, SummerCourt
Ice ResilienceIncreases Ice protection by 8% for one hour Ice Library, Winter Court
Earth ResilienceIncreases  Earth protection by 8% for one hour Rotten wasteland
Energy ResilienceIncreases Energy protection by 8% for one hour Energy Library, 
Death ResilienceIncreases Death protection by 8% for one hour During Soul War quest , Darashia Skeletons
Holy ResilienceIncreases Holy protection by 8% for one hourDuring Soul War quest 
Physical ResilienceIncreases Physical protection by 8% for one hourKnights and Paladins 
Amplification Increases damage by having your attacks and spells treat the targets sensitivity as being 8% higher for one hour.Wearing right weapon and using right runes/spells is a key. Use it when you want to kill the creatures quickly, recommended during Rapid respawn, or maximise your damage to win bosses etc. 
Fire Amplification Increases damage by having your fire attacks and spells treat the targets sensitivity as being 8% higher for one hour.Ice Library, Winter Court
Ice AmplificationIncreases damage by having your Ice attacks and spells treat the targets sensitivity as being 8% higher for one hour.Fire Libray, SummerCourt
Earth AmplificationIncreases damage by having your earth attacks and spells treat the targets sensitivity as being 8% higher for one hour.Deathlings, Asuras, 
Energy AmplificationIncreases damage by having your energy attacks and spells treat the targets sensitivity as being 8% higher for one hour.Grimleeches and Hellflayers, Deathlings 
Holy AmplificationIncreases damage by having your holy attacks and spells treat the targets sensitivity as being 8% higher for one hour.for Paladins specially, Places: Salt Caves, Zarganash, Roshamuul (Frazzlemaws) 
Death AmplificationIncreases damage by having your death attacks and spells treat the targets sensitivity as being 8% higher for one hour.Crypt Wardens in Kilmaresh, The Mirrored Nightmare
Physical AmplificationIncreases damage by having your physical attacks and spells treat the targets sensitivity as being 8% higher for one hour.Knights and Paladins 

0 votes
by (7,016 points)
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This is a personal opinion.

Bestiary Betterment

If you have one or two potions: Use if I found a rare creature like, Yeti or Midnight Panther (Just to save future time looking for it).

If you have a lot of these potions: Use in regular charm points hunting (Of course, use it on semi rare creature and not in a Rat).

Rapid Respawn Events can be good option.

Charm Upgrade

Use only in the best/good places you can hunt at your level.

Death Amplification

Use in places you only use Sudden Death to hunt or in bosses like Ferumbras (Of course if you have the elementary weapon).

Death Resilience

Use on hunt places where the main damage taken is Death Damage.

Earth Amplification

Use on hunt places were creatures are weak to Earth Damage (Of course if you have the elementary weapon).

Earth Resilience

Use on hunt places where the main damage taken is Earth Damage.

Energy Amplification

Use on hunt places were creatures are weak to Energy Damage (Of course if you have the elementary weapon).

Energy Resilience

Use on hunt places where the main damage taken is Energy Damage.

Fire Amplification

Use on hunt places where the main damage taken is Fire Damage (Of course if you have the elementary weapon).

Fire Resilience

Use on hunt places where the main damage taken is Fire Damage.

Holy Amplification

Use on hunt places where the main damage taken is Holy Damage (Of course if you have the elementary weapon).

Holy Resilience

Use on hunt places where the main damage taken is Holy Damage.

Ice Amplification

Use on hunt places where the main damage taken is Ice Damage (Of course if you have the elementary weapon).

Ice Resilience

Use on hunt places where the main damage taken is Ice Damage.


Dont use it is joke and useless.

Physical Amplification

Use on hunt places where the main damage taken is Physical Damage (Of course if you have the elementary weapon).

Physical Resilience

Use on hunt places where the main damage taken is Physical Damage.

Stamina Extension

Use only in the best/good places you can hunt at your level.

Double exp events can be good option.

Strike Enhancement

Use only in the best/good places you can hunt at your level.

Wealth Duplex

Use only in the best/good places for loot you can hunt at your level. Remember you need be the player who deal more damage.

Double Loot Events and Rapid Respawn Events can be good option.

by (934 points)
"- Kooldown-Aid

Dont use it is joke and useless."

Couldn't this one be a complete game changer though if used correctly in some scenarios?

For example: Druids using their Ice UE on Ferumbras, then cooldown potion, then Ice UE again?
If this works and they manage to get two hits in, their kill participation would spike through the roof.
by (7,016 points)
Infact that can be and option but is really hard and you need certain conditions to fulfill it.

UE is really hard to use in Ferumbras because:

1- In the the big major of servers ferumbras die in one turn.
2- Ferumbras can appear outside of the range of the UE.
3- You only can cast UE if you are the first on the stack, and this is hard by the amount of players.

As ED the most common way action on ferumbras is: Attack (SD in the most of case) + Mas Res
by (5,318 points)
There are some conditions- yes, however it does not change the fact it is a gamer changer. It gives you surely a better chances to win the boss :)