+1 vote
by (5,318 points)

I was wondering if there are any restrictions with the spells in the Tibiadrome- specially with regards to Chivalrous Challange and Divine Dazzle which cannot be used in boss rooms with the thought to do not make level of difficulty of the bosses and mechanics in the rooms changed? Is it same implemented in the Tibiadrome?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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According to the Tibia Manual, during the Tibia drome spells that use soul points are deactivated. If you would like to know what spells require soul points please check: Tibia Fandom. Also, the use of familiars and Chivalrous Challenge is allowed. You're also allowed to use Divine Dazzle in the Tibia drome it just isn't listed in the manual currently. I sent a ticket to advise Cipsoft maybe they should include in the Manual. Here's the screenshot for proof-
