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by (5,318 points)
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I am looking for the most effective ways of quickly defeating the monsters in Tibiadrome, to skip some waves. I am particularly looking for pieces of information like:

Are the monsters weak against some damages (like fire, ice etc)?

Are the monsters strong against some damages (like death, holy etc)?

Are the monsters walking on the energy/fire/poison fields and do they take damage from them?

Do the monsters heal themselves?

Is the Hit Points of monsters increased with each waive- and if yes, how much?

Any additional tips will be appreciated.

Please consider all monsters and possibly compare them in a table format.
by (5,796 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (50 points)

Are the monsters weak against some damages (like fire, ice etc)?

Monsters for everything elemental are neutral

Are the monsters strong against some damages (like death, holy etc)?

Same situation as above

Are the monsters walking on the energy/fire/poison fields and do they take damage from them?

They walk on bombs and bombs make normal dmg energy 30, fire 20, poison 5 per ture.

Do the monsters heal themselves?

I managed to reach 81 stage drom. During this entire period, the monsters did not heal. Perhaps they heal at higher levels.
