+2 votes
by (1,850 points)
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Hello, we have the opportunity to enter the test server and I would like to know a bit about the new arenas. I understand that the values ​​can change, but the rewards and the way you earn points should not change.

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (5,523 points)
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To get Drome points you have to complete waves in the Tibiadrome arena. You get 10 points for each wave completed. The points are only awarded after the current rotation is completed which will take 2 weeks. The current reward to spend your points are:

RewardImagesDrome Points
Arena Badge Replica250
Black Pit Demon
Blue Pit Demon1500
Brown Pit Demon400
Drome Cube2500
Green Pit Demon750
Plushie of a Domestikion2500
Plushie of a Hoodinion2500
Plushie of a Mearidion2500
Plushie of a Mumillion2500
Plushie of a Scissorion2500
Red Pit Demon6000
Phant (mount)8000

by (5,523 points)
You're right! It is much more awesome! :)
by (5,070 points)
So Red and black pit demon are not very rare anymore...
0 votes
by (5,318 points)

In order to get some drom points you will have to participate in Tibiadrome. Tibiadrome will be replacing the current PvE arena and will contain several waives of the monsters. Basically, players who have beaten at least one wave in the rotation will receive drome points after it has ended, which can be exchanged for decorative items and cosmetics. 1

Items are yet to be advised.

1. https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=6178&fbegind=11&fbeginm=5&fbeginy=2021&fendd=10&fendm=6&fendy=2021&flist=11111111
