+1 vote
by (17,404 points)

I don't play the Tibiadrome often nor keep track of my points but I am wondering how the points work exactly during a rotation. For example during the same rotation:

1st attempt: I am wave level 50 and I got to wave level 60. I earned x amount of points from completing 10 waves.

2nd attempt after waiting for the cooldown to be over: I am wave level 55 (This is just an estimate as I forgot what wave level I was) and I got to wave level 60. I earned x points from completing a wave or I don't earn any points because I didn't beat rank 60 which my previous attempt was.

I hear the points are given after the rotation is over every 2 weeks. The reason I'm asking is that I want the mount and am wondering if it's helpful to keep doing the rotations even knowing I might not beat my previous wave level.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (16 points)

Hello, Shawtay!

  1. The points are given considering the highest wave you beat during the rotation. In your example, you are going to receive 600 points (10* the highest wave) by the end of the rotation.
  2. You don't earn additional points by beating the waves again.
  3. You can keep track of your points by talking to the NPC in tibia drome.
  4. About retrying, I usually retry them due to the ability factor, so usually I get 2-3 more waves beaten per try, but it's really up to you!
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by (17,404 points)
The points refresh every time I participate or every 2 weeks?
+1 vote
by (620 points)
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Best answer

Hello, I will answer you based on my point of view about the Tibia Drome.

Each rotation has 14 days (To know when the rotation ends look on the Official website Tibia.com in the Leaderboards section), just the best of your participation counts, as LordSmashHead said, the best wave you got in these 14 days will be multiplied by 10 to become your Drome points at the end of the rotation.

Here is how works on the Drome, to make the answer more clear.

Best wave in the rotation (The last you complete)X
Wave that you start, in a new try (Same rotation)X - 5
Wave that you start, in a new rotationX - 10

To save your time i recommend you to participate just one time in each rotation (each 14 days) in each character, do you best and try to achieve the best wave you can. In your main character if you think you can go further, try again, but you will only change your final result if you achieve one or more waves comparing to your best (So you need to kill 5 + 1 waves as a minimum). So, if you got for example the wave 80 and you think it's almost impossible to achieve the wave 81 or more, stop and wait for the next rotation, don't lose your time, because if you don't achieve more than the wave 80 again you will just waste time, and sometimes gaining more 10-20-30 drome points doesn't worth the time you lose doing this.

After the rotation's end, your progress will not reset (You will start at your previous best wave minus 10 waves), so if i got the wave 80, in the next rotation i will start in the wave 70. This save us a lot of time, since we don't need to start from wave 1 again.
