+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
When is better use Parry (Charm) and not the elemental damage rune/charms?

Elemental damage runes/charms like Curse (Charm).

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,523 points)
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Parry is better to use on low health creatures that deal high damage. The creatures I usually use as an example are Grim Reapers. Using an elemental damage charm will only do 195 damage. 215 damage if you use the Divine Wrath, Enflame, or Zap charm as they are 10% weak to those elements.

Parry will do equal damage to the creature that is dealt to you when it triggers. Grim Reapers have many strong attacks and some that can even deal 500-800 damage.

Another case where Parry could be useful is if the creature is immune or strong to the damage types of any of the charms you have available. When Parry triggers it deals "neutral" or "true" damage back to the creature. The damage dealt back has no element so will not be reduced.
by (7,037 points)
Can u add a estimatie ''low health'' in numbers?
by (5,523 points)
It is very subjective because it also depends on the creature's damage output. If a creature has 10,000 health your charms will do 500 damage by default which would generally be considered good. But if that creature has many attacks that deal 1000 damage that you could reflect with Parry maybe it becomes a better option. Also, Parry won't be as useful on a mage because you won't be taking as many attacks (hopefully). These are just my opinions and what I know of the working of charms so someone else may be able to add some additional insight.