+1 vote
by (1,212 points)
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In team hunts as mages we usually do not receive much damage so, this charm (Parry) is kinda "useless" for us in team hunts, but for example:

In a team hunt where we are hunting right next to a wall, and EK has all agro on him but we are receiving damage from beams, waves, etc, This kind of damage can trigger parry? Or it only activates if i'm the target of the monster?.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (55 points)
Not 100%, but I'm pretty sure it only triggers on the monsters' target. I can't recall ever parrying an aoe attack that wasn't aimed at me.
by (464 points)
Ur Wrong, im 100% sure, u can reflect waves, atleast the only monster i tried parry (Grim reaper)
+1 vote
by (464 points)
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Best answer
Hello Sir,

Yes, Parry charm procs with every single hit in-game.

u can check it for example in Grim Reapers returning his wave doing considerable Damage.

Greetings, Gleemody
by (1,212 points)
It applies only with the monster Target?
by (464 points)
Nope, Parry applyes with all hits u recive.

(not sure about dots, like poisoin, energy, ice damage)

The rest of hits, if u get combo, u can reflect this combo if ur are lucky