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by (24 points)
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I wanted to know how this charm called parry works. I know that it does NOT reduce your taken damage, it only can hit the monster back but, how much does it hit?

I had this charm on grimeleech few weeks ago and it is totally random, I got hit for 700hp and it only deflects 40, and other times I got hit for 300hp and it deflects 650+.

Is there any formula? Is it based of damage taken? Is it 10% to trigger the proc?

Thanks in advance

3 Answers

0 votes
by (17 points)
If im not mistaken the chance for it to trigger is ~10% and it deflects all the damage you received, but it considers the weakness/resistance of the monster to the element and armor (in case of physical hits). Lets say that a behemoth hits you by 400hp, and gets reflected. the physical resistance (10%) and armor (50) of the behemoth will be discounted, so it will receive ~310hp of damage (it's not displayed with a color as an element like physical or ice, but the calculation is done with the resistance to te element that you were hit with).
by (24 points)
According to this, setting up Parry on Massive Fire Elementals, Massive Water Elementals, every single book or squid in the library and so on is completely useless? For example Burning Books and Rage Squids hit melee (ok, like every monster) and all their other attacks are fire based but they are 100% immune to fire. I've been told that the damage you deflect its converted to "pure/true damage" and cannot be blocked or reduced, that's why when you trigger the proc you see dark purple numbers.
by (181 points)
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this is incorrect
parry takes in the damage you would of received if you had 0% protection
it does not matter the damage type you receive
it does not matter the resistance or immunity of the parried monster
the reduced parry damage due to higher Armor values on stronger monsters isn't something I've seen demonstrated anywhere, but it is stated on the wiki so its probably true.
0 votes
by (11 points)

Is there any formula? No or at least a very simple one.

Is it based of damage taken? It reflects monster base/pure damage (damage taken without protections) with a certain chance.

 Is it 10% to trigger the proc? Not sure, I lost these statics.

About the 700 vs 40 scenario you encountered, you probably took a grimeleech beam and reflected only his melee.

by (24 points)
The 700 vs 40 was when a Grimeleech shot a beam from distance (4-5 SQM's away), but thanks for the answer.
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Type: Defensive with Offensive effect

Introduced: 11.50

Cost: 1000 Bestiary Charms points


Any damage taken is reflected to the aggressor with a certain chance.


Even though Parry is categorized as a Defensive Charm (because it's triggered when the character is attacked), its effect is actually offensive since it will deal damage. The damage dealt by this charm has no element, meaning its neutral and will damage the creature regardless of its resistances, which is very important since most creatures are strong or immune to the elements they use to attack. It will, however, be affected by the creature's armor. Furthermore, the damage value is the base damage calculated before the player's resistances, which means that the equipment and imbuements used by the character will not affect the damage taken by the creature.

Parry is usually the second charm unlocked by Knights since this vocation will inevitably take a lot of damage. It's also very useful for higher level Paladins that hunt blocking the creatures around themselves. It's not really recommended for Druids and Sorcerers since these players should try to avoid taking as much damage as possible and will benefit a lot more from the offensive elemental damage charms.

Source: Tibia wiki Parry

TibiaQA; Do parry and dodge charms work against life drain

Additional- video: YouTube: Itexo Charms
