+2 votes
by (44 points)
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List of achievements on TibiaWiki suggests that there are seventeen ID's, to which an achievement hasn't been found. This confuses me, because I've heard many people saying that there are only three undiscovered achievements. Why would that be?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (2,426 points)
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Hey there, TibiaWiki admin here.

There are several IDs which have been skipped by CipSoft for some reason. Maybe they were placeholders for achievements they eventually decided to not implement, maybe they did it on purpose for some other reason. Either way, this is why there are several IDs with unassigned achievements, but most of them don't really exist.

As of today there are 3 Unknown Secret achievements in Tibia, of which 2 are "old" (from 2010) and one from the Summer Update 2020. You can keep track of that information here: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Achievements/Unknown

Edit (Nov/2021): With the discovery of Unlikely Pathfinder, there are only 2 Unknown Achievements left.

by (2,217 points)
Thanks for the quick reply. I understand that we know from somewhere the final number of secret achievments? Therefore we can skip some of these id and consider them unused?
by (2,426 points)
Yes. The number of secret achievements can be see both in game and on the website. It has always been possible to see it on Tibia.com so since achievements were released players have been tracking how many new secret achievements were implemented on each update.
by (2,217 points)
Ok thanks for the reply. Now I have clarity.
+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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According to my Source- TibiaWiki Unknown Achievements, there is now only 1 unknown achievement. I will copy and paste the chart here with details about this unknown achievement-

UpdateAdded SAUnknown SAUnknown IDsNotes
Winter Update 2010 (8.70)321195Some minor quests and World Quests were implemented.