+1 vote
by (4,451 points)
I decided to make Bigfoot's Burden Quest on my noob char. How many achievements can I get during this quest? Which achievements exactly can I make ?

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,730 points)
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As Tibia Wiki says, finishing the Bigfoot's Burden Quest you will obtain 24 achivements (46 points in total).

  • Becoming A Bigfoot (1 point) Join the Bigfoot's Burden Quest.
  • Call me Sparky (1 point)
  • Crystal Keeper (1 point)
  • Crystal Clear (3 points)
  • Crystals In Love (1 point)
  • Death from Below (2 points)
  • Dungeon Cleaner (3 points)
  • Final Strike (2 points)
  • Funghitastic(3 points)
  • Gnomebane's Bane (2 points)
+1 vote
by (5,678 points)
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Best answer

24 achievements in total.(46points)

  • After defeating him for the first time you will get the achievement "Gnomebane's Bane". If you do this 50 times you will get the achievement "Fall of the Fallen" - WARZONE 2
  • After defeating him you will get the achievement "Death from Below" by opening his chest. If you do this 50 times you will get the achievement "Diplomatic Immunity" - WARZONE 3
  • After giving Gnomission all 3 of these, you will receive the achievement "Gnomish Art Of War".
  • After 1,2,3 warzones - "Dungeon Cleaner"
  • "Buried the Baron"  - after kill The Baron from Below and use pump
  • "His Days are Counted"  - after kill  The Count of the Core and use pump
  • "Duked it Out"  - after kill The Duke of the Depths and use pump
  • After 4,5,6 warzones - "Death in the Depths"
by (5,730 points)
U went fasterrrrrrr than me :(
by (5,678 points)
the question was asked some time ago, I immediately started to write the answer. but some problems with edit;p
by (5,730 points)
Im at office so I was typing and working at same time XD
+1 vote
by (4,311 points)

You get some achievments according to you rank:

Rank 00Nenhum
Rank I30Achievement.gif Gnome Little Helper
Rank II120Achievement.gif Gnome Friend
Rank III480Achievement.gif Gnomelike
Rank IV1440Achievement.gif Honorary Gnome

Also you get some achievments completing the tasks for the first time:

Crystal KeeperAchievement.gif Crystal Keeper
Raiders of the Lost SparkAchievement.gif Call Me Sparky
ExterminatorsAchievement.gif One Foot Vs. Many
Mushroom DiggerAchievement.gif The Picky Pig
The Tinker's BellAchievement.gif Substitute Tinker
MatchmakerAchievement.gif Crystals in Love
Spore GatheringAchievement.gif Spore Hunter
Grindstone HuntAchievement.gif Grinding Again