+1 vote
by (17,404 points)

What's the history of this Minotaur in Rookgaard that is by himself on this mountain? As you know in Rookgaard we do not have the spell levitate but we can always push objects here to see him. I always thought there was something strange about him as the other Minotaurs are located in Minotaur Hell....

Here's where the lone Minotaur is located for reference:

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (495 points)
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Best answer

This minotaur was ordered to look out for incoming ships because he sweared in

presence of the minotaur mage. Information about it could be found in a scroll, which no longer exist.

Full information about this can be found here.

@Edit (unfortunately I can't copy-paste the images)

You see a scroll.

It weighs 0.50 oz.

It is rewriteable.

Implemented on Rookgaard:

2000.12.23 (6.1, with introduction of west island)

Removed from Tibia:

Not long after 2002.08.28 (with introduction of client 7.0)

Obtainable From:

- Minotaur Hill (it's not possible to obtain this item anymore)

Sell to:

- It's not possible to sell this item to any NPC on Rookgaard.


Still no sign of a ship yet. Even though I am looking out since days, now. Never

again will I swear in the presence of the holy mage, in order to avoid such duties

in the future.


- Minotaur was ordered to look out for incoming ships because he sweared in

presence of the holy mage.

Additional Information:

- "Holy mage" reffers to minotaur mage in minotaur hell.

- In the past this scroll was spawning on the minotaur hill.

- After the text in the scroll was glitched during the 7.0 update (28.08.2002), the

scroll was removed from the game. Screenshot of the scroll was taken by Qwerty


- Glitched text: □□Ü□□□eg□3

- Original text was provided later by Cipsoft via email.


Rookgaard Wiki - https://www.reddit.com/r/rookgaard/wiki/index

Rookgaard Forum - https://www.reddit.com/r/rookgaard/

by (17,404 points)
Would appreciate if you took all the information from the source and put it in your answer (For example, the screenshot and the fact that it was on a scroll that was on the hill but eventually the scroll got bugged and removed) That was anyone who is looking at the answer gets the full story~
by (495 points)
I'll try to copy-paste the whole file info.