+1 vote
by (1,274 points)
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 This Npc is located in Castle of Thais, at the northwest of the city, related to this clown theme, I heard that:

  "In Rookgaard you can find a tomb of the Clown Bozo and the Escaped Artist. Its tomb can be opened and leads to a cave with skeletons and the Labyrinth of Fury sign near a destroyed tunnel. Bozo is a clear allusion to the clown Bozo, usually shortened to "Bozo" in real life."

The question would be where this tomb is located in Rookgaard, does it really exist on this island?



3 Answers

+1 vote
by (495 points)

Admin bumped the topic, so I guess can add more info about Bozo (I can't copy-paste the full info and Bozo's history because of Maximum length is 20000 characters go to the Bozo file to read more):

fit history

Outfit history


2007.12.1 (8.1)



2006.08.01 (7.8)



2002.08.28 (7.0)

Retro citizen


2000 or earlier (version 3, 4, or 5)

Unisex outfit

Name / Reference

Bozo is a Tibia version of "Bozo the Clown" from 1946's children's storytelling record album "Bozo at the circus" and a read-along book, later known as "Bozo, The World's Most Famous Clown" after being feaured on american television for many years. "Bozo at the circus" record: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlPhoqRxmEE

Mace of fury (connection with maze of fury)

Bozo’s mace of fury dialogue has been added most probably after the implementation of the premium area on Rookgaard and the maze of fury (version 7.11b, 2003.09.03), which ties mace and maze together. The earliest archived mention of the mace of fury dates back to 2003.09.21, but most of the players at the time did not know anything about it except it's name and assumed it's an unobtainable.

image  Mace of fury is a regular rolling pin, Bozo sells it for 250 gold coins.

 Boogey (mainland boss) has been implemented on 2009.07.01 (8.5), with a new item “club of the fury” (looks like a rolling pin), which is a reference to Bozo’s mace of fury.

Bozo and god Kirok (possible connection to sword of fury)

God Kirok is a patron of scientists and researchers. He has been created in a failed attempt to separate conjoined god Uman and Zathroth. Kirok is a favourite of jesters - Bozo is a jester. Also, in this theory, god Uman (the good) might be a reference to humbleness and god Zathroth (the evil) might refer to fury. Perhaps this is a nod from Knightmare to the researchers of the sword of fury. V.i Part 1: The Age of Chaos

More information about possible connection between sword of fury and Bozo can be found by searching (Ctrl+F) TagHugo in the sword of fury compendium.

Bozo mentioned in a Book

Bozo’s name is mentioned in Amber’s notebook. He is not mentioned by name in any other tibian book, as of 2022.09.16.

Opinions about this NPC

image  Mainland NPCs’ positive opinions about Bozo:

Aruda: "Oh, isn't he funny? I could listen to him the whole day."

Frodo: "I am trying to hire him for an evening or two."

King Tibianus: "He is my royal jester and cheers me up now and then."

Sam: "He is funny now and then."

Wyat: "He's so funny, I could listen to his jokes for hours."

image  Mainland NPCs’ negative opinions about Bozo:

Baxter: "The royal jester. I dont think he is funny."

Elane: "How spineless do you have to be to become a jester?"

Gamon: "Bozo! Damn that clown! He keeps making fake orders. It isn't funny to deliver a wardrobe to an address that doesn't even exist, you know!"

Gorn: "Bah! Go away with this bozoguy."

Gregor: "Some day someone will make something happen to him..."

Marvik: "I don't like his kind of humour."

Muriel: "He's not a jester but a poor joke himself."

image  Mainland NPCs’ neutral/other opinions about Bozo:

Benjamin: "He hangs around here quite often. He claimes, I inspire him."

Harkath Bloodblade: "I hardly know him."

Chester Kahs: "He isn't the fool he pretends to be. So to what is he up to?"

Edowir: "Who laughs last, thinks slowest."

Oswald: "Isn't he the artist formerly known as the prince?" 

Quentin: "He is the king's jester, but he believes himself to be the king of fools."

Robin: "Such guys don't live long. The grandfather of our king had a new jester every season."

Topsy: "He wanted to be the court jester but got upset when people laughed at him" 

Trimegis: "At least one mundane who knows his proper place."

Turvy: "Bozo - such a tragic story. If only I could remember it." 

Source: reddit.com/r/rookgaard Bozo file (too much text to copy-paste all of it here)

0 votes
Yes. It's located in the premium side, just south of that Priest which is near a rabbit hole or something like that. Near some mountains as well.
by (1,274 points)
Would it be possible to add a point to a map? Thank you very much in advance.
0 votes
by (5,523 points)
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Best answer

Yes, it is found on the premium side of Rookgaard. Just south of the mountain with the Troll there are 3 grave sites. One of them is Bozo's and can be opened. Note: When you use a shovel on it you will immediately be taken down the hole but there is a ladder to climb back up.


Map Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Mapper?coords=125.9-125.232-7-4-1-1
