+1 vote
by (5,796 points)

I've seen that some monsters in Tibia (like the Warlock) will make your skills (melee and shielding) lower after casting a certain spell on you. What would be the strategy against such spell? Is there any way to remove this?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (5,523 points)
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Any spell or item that temporary buffs the skill that is being debuffed will replace the debuff. For example, if your magic level has been reduced you could drink a Mastermind Potion to replace it. Or, if your distance skill is reduced, cast Sharpshooter.


  • Berserk Potion (Melee)
  • Bullseye Potion (Distance)
  • Carrot Cake (Distance)
  • Demonic Candyball (random effect)
  • Mastermind Potion (Magic)
  • Roasted Dragon Wings (Shielding)
  • Tropical Fried Terrorbird (Magic)
  • Veggie Casserole (Melee)


  • Blood Rage (Melee)
  • Sharpshooter (Distance)
  • Train Party (Melee and Distance)
  • Enhance Party (Magic)
  • Protect Party (Shielding)

Note: If you are debuffed again after using any of the items or spells your buff will be lost. For example, the buff from Carrot Cake gives you +10 distance for 1 hour. If you were then to have your distance lowered by a creature you would lose the +10 distance buff.

Important: Items that can be worn with skill modifiers or skill rings will not cure you from the debuff spell.

by (5,796 points)
Rings or armors (for example, club ring or windborn colossus armor) work in the same way to remove the debuff?
by (5,523 points)
edited by
No, as far as I'm aware. Those aren't providing a buff or debuff to your skill. They are changing the base value as long as you wear them. The examples I listed above are temporary and recalculate your skill when you consume or cast them. If I think to test this I will, or someone else can let me know for certain.
by (5,796 points)
Ok, I got it. If possible, it would be perfect an explanation that although club ring can be viewed as a "temporary buff" it will not change or help against the debuff. I will edit and then you can check if you agree with my change.
by (5,523 points)
Looks good to me!