+1 vote
by (17,440 points)

Burning IconI've heard there's a couple of ways you can remove all the status conditions at once without typing individual spells, like exana pox for example (which gets annoying). By status conditions I mean: Poison, Cursed, Burning, Freezing etc.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer

Hydra tongue salad Hydra Tongue Salad.gif removes all the bad status of your character as well, but you can only use it every 10 minutes

As soon as you jump into the water, your character will be cleaned from all special conditions. Source- Tibia Manual

asked Nov 29, 2020 by anonymous
bumped Feb 12, 2022 by
Does Hydra Tongue Salad remove the status condition called Feared?
as per manual  Freezing: This condition of the damage type ice is caused by the freezing breath of certain monsters. For an extended period of time, this condition causes your character to lose hit points at regular intervals. There is no medicine to cure this condition, but if you are near a priest, you can ask him to heal you.

There is no medicine to cure this condition- so actually does Hydra Tongue salad works on all?
by (5,327 points)
Hydra Tongue will work only on the conditions which are caused by most of the “regular” creatures. It will not work on Hexed and Feared, which are more unique and you can meet them at the quest area or boss area (they are designed to make boss or quest more challenging).
0 votes
the only option is just go to "heal npc" i.e. any temple, banuta monkey and say hi/heal