+3 votes
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On Tibia Fandom it says that Hydra Tongue Salad will cure you of all negative conditions and I was wondering does it also work with new condition called Feared?
by (1,274 points)
Hello, the answer is yes, the Hydra Tongue Salad will cure you of all ills. I researched the Tibia fandom and it includes this condition as well.

Well, it seems that Tibia Fandom contradict itself (or simply is not updated) because it also says
How to get rid of the Feared Condition
You can't, you have to wait until it wears off.
by (5,730 points)
Good question! But im scared to test it out!

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (2,208 points)

Hi! Even though they say there's no way to remove "Feared" a Hydra Tongue Salad will work for its removal, since this is also a negative condition. However, the most practical way to be safe while Feared and save yourself from the recast of it, its by tossing a firebomb bellow you right after you're under the effect, that will make your character stop walking in any direction unless you move it yourself which is not adviced while you're under it. Again, a Hydra Tongue Salad can help remove it, but its not much worth it since the creatures recast it and the food cooldown is 10 minutes.

0 votes
by (5,318 points)
Hydra Salad Tongue will not remove Fear status from your character. Even if it would, it would not be worth it due to cool-down for food for 10 minutes.