0 votes
by (299 points)
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I got a 86 days streak for collecting daily rewards at the shrines. But I would like to change days I receive certain things, like the training weapons/wands and exp boost. But before I do this I want to know if there is any achievement related to the daily streak. So my question is as the title says: Is there any achievements related to the daily reward system?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (934 points)
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Best answer
No. Not yet at least. I've seen a guy going on a streak from the day the system was introduced until the day people got banned for exploiting the Fugue bug, then he lost the streak due to his 1 day ban.

He didn't get any rewards, so I think it's pretty safe to safe that there isn't any achievements to it.

Can't know for sure though.
+2 votes
by (1,274 points)

There is nothing proven by any player or Tibia-related pages about earning achievements using Tibia's daily rewards system, taking advantage of the subject, I will leave more on the subject if you have further questions.

"The Daily Reward System (or Daily Rewards System in Portuguese) is a daily access reward system implemented in the Summer Update 2017. The system basically works as follows: in the temples and depots of the main cities there is a Reward Shrine."

Recompensas Diárias - Tibia Wiki

+2 votes
by (17,404 points)
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So far, we know that you can only earn titles and resting area bonuses. There doesn't seem to be any achievements related to the daily reward system. I can assure you there is nothing additional besides-

Earning Titles (which are just to show off to others, and won't give you anything additional other than motivation to get a certain title):

  • Creature of Habit (Grade 1): Reward Streak of at least 7 days of consecutive logins.
  • Creature of Habit (Grade 2): Reward Streak of at least 30 days of consecutive logins.
  • Creature of Habit (Grade 3): Reward Streak of at least 90 days of consecutive logins.
  • Creature of Habit (Grade 4): Reward Streak of at least 180 days of consecutive logins.
  • Creature of Habit (Grade 5): Reward Streak of at least 365 days of consecutive logins.

Source (Tibia Fandom) Cyclopedia

Picking up your reward on a daily basis increases the counter of your reward streak. As your streak grows, you gain access to special bonuses in addition to your rewards. The bonuses are unlocked during the first 3 (Free Accounts) or 7 (Premium Accounts) consecutive days of taking rewards and stack with each other, staying available until your reward streak is reset. These streak bonuses are applied when the character is inside a Resting Areas and are the following:

  1. No bonus for the first day.
  2. Allow hitpoints regeneration
  3. Allow mana regeneration
  4. Stamina regeneration (Premium only)
  5. Double hitpoints regeneration (Premium only)
  6. Double mana regeneration (Premium only)
  7. Soul Points regeneration (Premium only)

Source (Tibia Fandom) Daily Reward System

I'm currently at 1825 days, which is 5 years.

by (934 points)
That's a crazy amount of days man! Dedication
by (17,404 points)
Thank you :)