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by (4,451 points)

I want to make achievement Ashes to Dust which is btainable by using blessed wooden stake 500 times successfully on slain demons and/or slain vampires. Since I exp on Frumbras' way where is many demons I decided to make it. 

My questions are:

  • How often can I use Blessed Wodden Steak?
  • What is the chance to get a Demon Dust?
  • And how much time do I have to use Blessed Wooden Steak on dead body?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (1,028 points)
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The statistics taken from HERE show as follows:

You can use the Blesses Wodden Steak immidiately after the demon has died.

I'm not sure how long does it take for a monster to decay, but you can use it on the body, as long as, it is considered to be a "fresh" corpse.
