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by (7,016 points)
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Recently I saw people talking about a document leaked with Spells used by Gamemaster, anyone know is this is true or can confirm these spells are real?

Some Gamemaster Spells are:

  • Spell - Use
  • Omana (Name) - Kicks character (Name)
  • Omani (Name) - Teleports character (Name) to home temple
  • Alana Sio (Name) - Teleports the Gamemaster character to the player (Name)
by (3,788 points)
Gamemaster used to have spells in game but I think they can’t confirm if this document is real or not

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (5,070 points)
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omana [name] Kicks character [name]
omani [name] Teleports character [name] to home temple
alani sio [name] Teleports the gamemaster character to the player [name]
alani [mark] Teleports the gamemaster character to a certain point on the map called [mark]
alani [speed] Sets the walking strength of the gamemaster character to [speed]. Valid values are "fast", "fastest", "slow", "normal"
alani hur [direction] Works just like the spell "Levitate" for gamemaster characters. Valid values for the parameter [direction] are "up" and "down".
alito tera Disintegrates all movable objects in front of your gamemaster character

Some commands

#b [message] Broadcast to all players on game world
#c [message] Red message in active channel
@name@ [message] Red message to a specific player

by (5,766 points)
Pro tip: We can actually spot that the spells are still somehow in the game. For example, if you try to use it with your character, it will show the following message of "you must learn this spell first"
by (17,404 points)
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Hey! You're forgetting Alito Mas Ina para para and aleta vis grav  Sources- https://imgur.com/a/2Acq1OI and here https://www.reddit.com/r/TibiaMMO/comments/d5wnp1/what_are_these_spells/
I know you're not allowed to have your source in your answer, but can you please say this information is what you got on the internet or something to indicate it didn't originate from you?
by (1,669 points)
Shawtay, those spells were not available to volunteer gamemasters. Actually, it seems they were made available to all players as soon as they were implemented in the game, intended to be used by CipSoft members only, long after volunteer gamemasters were gone.