+1 vote
by (42 points)
Could they carry any item, or carry on equipment slot, even having 0 capacity (if they had so)?
by (2,426 points)
Yes, unlike what many players think, Volunteer GMs had very limited powers and tools. Having 0 capacity was a measure to prevent abuses: they couldn't take advantage of their teleporting ability, for example, to steal items from a players' house. Fun fact: because they couldn't carry shovels, they had a spell that could be used to open stone piles, similar to Magic Rope for going up rope-spots.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (495 points)
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Best answer

They had 0 cap, could not carry items, and they could only login on a GM char from a special Tibia client.

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Gamemaster

Screenshot of GM client: 123

More GM screenshots can be  found here.

by (5,796 points)
I agree with @Ricci, this answer should be improved but this is not a reason to flag it. Please, post the screenshots in your answer. That would be great.
