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I haven't played tibia since 2013 and i am thinking of coming back now, i have been watching streams of tibia and atm it looks very different to the one i am used to!

I am looking for recommendation as to what vocation should i pick to start my journey in 2019.

I do not have quick reflex to use hotkey in time so i think it has to be between knight and paladin, furthermore i guess i would mainly hunt solo as i don't have any tibian friends atm.

any suggestions will be useful

thanks in advance!
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by (2,564 points)
Are you thinking of an open-pvp world? If so, we already have answers here: https://www.tibiaqa.com/1084/what-is-the-best-vocation-to-start-on-new-open-pvp-server
by (17,406 points)
Maybe this question needs to be more specific to be less opinionated?

4 Answers

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by (98 points)
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Well, I'm a knight and I also hunt solo... man, it's way more difficult to get some xp than if I were a paladin hehehe

So, for solo hunting, paladins are nice
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by (11 points)
I think you should play Paladin, i did it and its fun and great for soloing.
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by (7,037 points)
If you like play alone take Paladin.

If wanna do more friends in future and play in team, take Knight.
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by (4,311 points)
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Considering you have no skills to play as mage, same do I, I would recommend you to play as Paladin. I think is the easy option to play. Basically you will hunt with exevo mas san alternating with some rune. The rest you have to run and attack. When you feel stronger enough you can lure a box.

But I have to say that is the worst option to find people to hunt in group.