+2 votes
Hello, is that possible to allow some players enter one of the rooms while others let's say less trusted members won't be allowed to get it but still they will have the rest of guild hall available for themselves?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Guild leaders can make areas within the guildhall inaccessible to certain characters by giving door rights only to specific characters. To cast this spell say, "Aleta Grav" by standing in front of a door or in the doorway. The key is to make sure that the doors remain closed at all times so other players won't be able to access the areas. Only those who have the rights to the door can access the area by opening the door but be sure they close it or else all other guests invited inside the guildhall can enter too if the door remains open. Also, fun fact: Guild leaders can use special patterns to mark all guildmembers (*@guildname) or even to specify members of a certain rank (rankname@guildname).

