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by (133 points)
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I'm currently skilling up the traditional way, what creature could I use to skillet without dying after the cyclops? I am currently lv 41 and have base skill 56, up to what skill could I train with cyclops? It should be noted, club use

I have the following clubs to skillet:

Club and Mace

For hunting I use the deepling staff.

I don't have any imbuiments.

I do it while I work, so I can pay full attention to the creature change if it dies.
by (127 points)
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Are you looking for some afk-ish training? Paying full attention?
What weapons do you have available, imbuements?

Few more details lead to a more detailed answer.

At your current skill level, I used to skill on slimes' clones myself.
by (133 points)
I have already added the details you mention, thank you.

1 Answer

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by (41 points)
You can train in Kazordoon with Bats and Mad Sheep. Near the Kazordoon blessings NPC, there’s a spot where you can be attacked by both a bat and a Mad Sheep. When one bat dies, another one that is already nearby will take its place without needing to respawn.

You can summon Mad Sheep using a Spellwand. They deal no damage, making them ideal for long training sessions.