+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Due to the Sunset of Tournaments, this question is outdated.

hey, I'm in the tournament and I ran out of playtime. I can do quests. what quests do you recommend I do? I'm not looking for experience because after your playtime runs out you won't get experience from my understanding. I want quests that will provide me cash. Also, I'm trying to avoid dangers like creatures. if there's a way to avoid creatures at all costs because I will get booted back to the temple. This goes for all levels, however, I'm level 50 right now.... but you can add future quests for me to look forward to thanks.

by (5,797 points)
excellent question!

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer

When I run out of time, I do the quests needed to access certain areas. For example:

  • In service of yalahar quest access
  • Eleonore's ring quest
  • Meriana quest: access to the tortoises 
  • Farmine first 4 mission
  • Barbarian test
You could also do those ones that you can do by using stealth ring/utana vid spell, without taking battle. For example:
  • Desert quest
  • Life ring quest in thais
0 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Hello shawtay! The only quest that I know can provide you with cash is Desert Quest, whose reward is 100 Platinum Coins and a green bag with: Protection Amulet, Ring Of Healing, Magic Light Wand and Ankh. You will need 3 more players, since to enter the reward room you will need all 4 professions!

I did a list of the quest I mostly do on my low level characters so I would like to recommend-

Crusader Helmet Quest - Kazordoon Crusader HelmetDwarves and a Giant Spider
Medusa Shield Quest - Drefia Medusa Shield, Blue Robe,  Skull StaffDemon Skeletons, Ghosts, Vampires, Priestesses, Necromancers
Orc Fortess QuestKnight Axe,  Fire Sword and Orcs, Orc Spearmen, Orc Warriors, Orc Riders, Slimes, Bonelords, Cyclopes, Orc Berserkers, Orc Shamans, Orc Warlords, Orc Leaders, Dragon, Stone Golem
Noble ArmorNoble Armor, Crown HelmetCyclopes, Ghouls, Skeletons, Cyclops Smith, Cyclops Drone
Mad Mage Quest Hat of the madCyclops, Dragons, Demon Skeletons, Giant Spiders, Bonelord, Skeletons, Minotaurs

Most of these monsters can be easily avoided by using a stealth ring or bomb runes. In case this monsters can see you, you can easy run to the place you want to go, so isn't needed you kill them. Keep in mind that this items are possible to sell to NPC's but you can also sell on market. I think it's a good idea since on Unrestricted Store servers Tibia Coins cost around 300 gp(*) Hope this help you, I will keep searching for more useful options.

(*) This amount may vary according to the tournament server as each Tournament is different.

by (5,730 points)
Hi Krisph!
I added the quests that are easy to do on low levels characters, that can provide you set and some money to a good start. And with the vision to make some money during tournament as I said in the final coment of my post.
I will be glad if you can add the quest can be done without take any battle sign ;)
by (1,355 points)
Doesn't change the fact that all the quests you listed is impossible to do when your playtime is over.
The question Shawtay asked wasn't what quests you can do on a 'low level character', it was what quests you can do without any playtime, both shawtay and me already pointed out that your character gets instantly teleported to the temple upon getting a battle sign (being in combat).

So again, this is why all your quests you listed above are invalid, as it is literally impossible to do them once your playtime is over, because one or more monster detect invisibility, so you get sent back to temple straight away.

I could downvote your answer, because its just dead wrong to the question, but I choose to point out why your answer is incorrect.
And on a side note, you should stop your behaviour of telling others to respond to the question 'better', because you didn't. Just fix your answer and thats it.
by (5,730 points)
Hi Krisph!
Thanks for you feed back, I will search quest that can be done with that conditions and let the others I add for as a tip to people do it if they still have play time.
And about my "behaviour" I didnt tell you that in a bad mode or to trying be rude, I told you in case you know any could be nice to share to us too.
Have a nice day.