Drume often summons one of mini bosses from Falcon Bastion (it is random, which boss appears):
- Grand Canon Dominius

- Grand Chaplain Gaunder

- Grand Commander Soeren

- Preceptor Lazare

It works like a typical summon - suddenly appear next to the Drume, deals damage, but as soon as you kill Drume, summon will disappear without leaving any loot or corpse.
I noticed that summons don't appear every time. It probably depends on time we spend on killing the main boss. If we kill Drume quickly, maybe he won't be able to summon his Falcon helper.
EDIT: Summons don't appear when they don't have a way to attack player who is targeted by Drume. It is easily noticable if you kill it as ED + EK. Knight is luring Drume to the place where there are max 2 SQM around him, on one is standing Drume, next to the boss usually appear some guy from the lion fraction. Summon has no more place to attack knight so it won't appear. That's why I can see summons only in 20% of my fights with Drume.