+1 vote
by (26 points)
what is drume mechanics

Can ek solo drume boss

what is the min lvl for ek to solo drume boss

what is the easiest and safest way to kill drume boss

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (26 points)

You can solo drume boss at lvl 300 + ek 

watch this video to know more 


+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
Sure! It's hard to say what is the minimum level, since we all have different skills. Most of my friends, who play EK and kill Drume solo unfortunately are quite high levels, but they shared some interesting tips with me.

There are plenty of spots between trees which let you tank only Drume.

What is more, you need to know, that Kesar easily block Drume, so treat him as a helper!