+2 votes
by (5,796 points)
You can start it and be very successful on the "Bigfoot's Burden Quest" on Gnomebase, even as a Free Account! However, after ranking up to 120 points, your reputation will not count as much, since you cannot accomplish new daily tasks, being restricted to the basic ones.

Although I know that getting the maximum of reputation is extremely good for your character (will make possible your entrance on the Warzones), is there any advantage for Free Players that will manage to get the maximum of reputation with the Gnomes? What can be unlocked there as a Free Account with the NPCs there?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
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Best answer

Well the most important here is:

Acces to Warzones (Need pacc)

Achievements by completed task (Need pacc to all)

Achievements by completed Warzones 50 times (Need pacc)

Achievements by completed every rank with gnomes (Can get free)

More task to won Minos Crystals (Need pacc to all)

So there is nothing important to do more than get some Minors and a rank IV to enter in warzone in future.

by (5,796 points)
The NPCs that sells equipment changes anything with us at each rank? I'm legitimately curious if any NPC would give any benefit to us with full ranked points, even as a Free Account.

But thanks for the answer!