+1 vote
by (5,730 points)

I wanted to start venturing into this subject of being a Tutor, but I play on a South American server, and most players usually write in Portuguese. So, I wanted to know if the questions and answers that are not in English also count for this system to Become a Tutor?

Thanks in advance.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (746 points)
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About Questions and Answers

As rule 4.1B does not specify the language, yes, the questions and answers may be in a language other than English

Rule 4.1B 

About "Thanks you"

To become a Tutor the "Thank you" that you need, is not written by other players, you need the click in your message and Click in "thank you" on the submenu.

Help Channel

Help Board, Technical Support Board and Payment Support Board - The "thank you" is below each post

by (1,141 points)
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You misunderstood the question.
by (746 points)
It's true. I got confused because of "questions / answers and thanks you are written in another language"
I refined the answer.
0 votes
by (153 points)
According to the tutor's guide, it is OK to reply for a player on his native language if you also speak it and he/She has issues to communicate in English. Although it also recommends that if the conversations get too long, it is better moved to private.

So, yes. Since English is not mandatory on the help channel, thank you given to another languages should be also considered.