+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
Once you're a tutor, I heard you can lose this status. What are all the ways you can be dismissed from being a tutor?

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (746 points)
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Best answer

According to Tutor guide: "Tutors will be dismissed if their conduct level turns orange, red or black."

Here you can read more about the conduct level.

Source: Tibia.com (Tutor Guide)

by (17,406 points)
can you please paste some important parts of the conduct level or sum it up. will be helpful if possible x
by (746 points)
Updated :-)
0 votes
by (1,452 points)
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If you become tutor the only way to break one rule of tibia, i have friends who has done nothing to the community and are tutor but have never broke a rule this is because being tutor means knowing the rules much better than the regular players which leads to harder punishment

If you're a tutor, you will keep the position while having green or yellow conduct status, but any conduct level above this will dismiss you of your duties. You'll be informed about it via mail.

If your conduct level is green, you have only committed minor rule violations or a long time has passed since you last violated the Tibia Rules. On the other hand, if your account's conduct level is black, you have violated the Tibia Rules many times or in a very serious manner. It is important to note that as your conduct level colour gets darker, further punishments will result in progressively tougher punishments. In other words, the darker your conduct level colour the closer your account is to deletion!

Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Conduct_Level
