+2 votes
by (2,865 points)
I'm still learning to use diamond arrows, so I want to know some good places to hunt single target with my paladin as soon as I get level 200

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (92 points)
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Ghastly Dragon, all u need is:

Crossbow of Destruction with powerful void, vampirism and strike

Demon Helmet with powerful precision (distance +4) and powerful void

Depth Lorica With Powerful Vampirism and Death protection (not necessary?

Yalahari Legs

Foxtail amulet

Guardian or Soft Boots

With that set, imbued as I say, you will not spend more than a few runes, you can easily get 600k profit for 2 hours of hunt, don't forget take your task with  Grizzly Adams

Will this work for a 176 RP with Warsinger/rift bow and crystalline arrows instead? Ofcourse with the imbuements as u described.
by (1,534 points)
trouble is that spectral bolts got suddenly nerfed for hunts, and seems like tibia wouldn't improve single targets.

Anyway, cristalline arrows > infernal bolts with lot skills, yet with higher skills i recommend infernal bolts a little more (skills 110+), but yeah, u can hunt with cristalline arrow on gastly with that lvl.
+2 votes

-Ghostly Dragons (very easy)


- Behemoths (Cyclopolis) (very easy)


-  Roshamuul Depot (easy)


- Demons (Oramond) (easy)


- Ferumbas Ascension (medium to hard (?))

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZBMjz1qB1o (please note that Video is before Nerf was implemented) 

- Sight Surrenders (hard) recommended on higher levels


- Juggernaut's (hard) recommended on higher levels


+1 vote
by (1,557 points)

I'd say to go hunt at:

  • Hydras at Port Hope (very easy)
  • Ghastly Dragons (good profit)  - Take with you fire bombs and walls
  • Undead Dragons from WoT (best place in my opinion) - you will face Undead Dragon, Draken Abominations and Ghastly Dragon insde the room, take with you energy bombs and walls. Take care to do not lure many of them.