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Where to duo hunt as level 200 RP for profit and experience? Thank you in advance.

2 Answers

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by (576 points)
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Best answer
For profit I would recommend the Ferumbras Ascension Stairs! Start off slow and possibly with energy walls, try to lure 1 by 1. Experience won't be great but you will have very nice profit.

You can also try the new "elite skeleton" cave just west of Darashia. Jump into the tp and your there. But be careful! They do hit extremely hard. Try 1 by 1 at first, possibly with poison/fire walls, avoid getting meleed by more than 1 at all cost. Haven't tried after the latest update where they got changed a little, but before I looted A LOT of skull helmets there.

As already mentioned, Draken walls. But for my personal feeling on duo rp it gets too messy there since most likely neither of you is comfortable tanking there.

If you wanna do some tasking with decent profit Medusa/ss/(hydra) either in talahu or banuta will be pretty good as well!

To just pump exp/hr you can ofc go duo drefia grims, could be risky at your levels but doable for sure.

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by (5,070 points)