+1 vote
by (198 points)
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Especially without dragon hatchlings for good % prey rolls like xp and/or drop, also, not looking for places with mixed respawns like darashia spawn since it has too many regular dragons

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,181 points)
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Is a bit far away but in Yalahar you can go to dragon lair of Fenrock. It is a quite good respawn to hunt dragons lords with a lot of space to run around. There are some videos on YouTube showing the hunt just type "dragonlair fenrock". Remember you need a golden mug to enter.
+1 vote
by (332 points)


It would been great if you specified your level, skills, equipment, etc.

Some of the best respawns for Dragon Lord hunting are:

+1 vote
by (4,311 points)
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Best answer

For sure the best option is the Dragon lair in Fenrock, altough there many ofthem it's pretty easy to run.

0 votes
by (49 points)
I dont know a respawns that only have DL's, but I know Pits of Inferno Dragon lair is a good choice for a paladin.
by (2,564 points)
PoI Dragon Lair has already been mentioned + the author asked for non-mixed spawns